The human body is around 70% water, and this level must be maintained constantly for good health and for you to function optimally. The body cannot store water yet loses it throughout the day, so it is up to you to ensure that you drink sufficient water to maintain the correct fluid balance.
If you are drinking too little water you can get really ill and can even contract a chronic disease such as cancer, heart disease, kidney disease or have a stroke.
Every single system in your body depends on water to function optimally, and if you get dehydrated it can cause major health problems:
- Autoimmune Disease or Autoimmune Disorder is characterised by abnormal functioning of the immune system that causes your immune system to attack healthy cells by mistake and can occur as a result of inflammation and dehydration;
- Blood consists mainly of water, which helps the blood to remain at a viscosity that allows it to easily distribute oxygen and nutrients throughout the body;
- Cancer Cells are present in every individual as the body manufactures them, but they are generally destroyed by ta healthy immune system. When one becomes dehydrated, the volume of lymphatic fluid in the body is reduced, compromising the immune system, which can set the stage for the formation of tumours;
- Histamine is a neurotransmitter that the body produces to encourage the intake of water when the body becomes dehydrated. When histamine levels are extremely elevated though, it can contribute to asthma, allergies, chronic pain and depression;
- Lymphatic Fluids are part of your immune system and their job is to remove waste products from the body. Drinking insufficient water suppresses the lymphatic system, preventing it from working effectively;
- The Nervous System uses water to transport nutrients to the message centres in your body. When there is not enough water in the body the messages will be disrupted which can result in fatigue, loss of muscle strength, pain and poor endurance;
Some of the leading causes of heart disease, diabetes, and cancer are chronic inflammation and dehydration that alter your metabolism. It stands to reason then that in order to remain healthy and preform at top level, drinking water regularly should be part of you daily health regimen.
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