Can Dehydration Lead to the Formation of Cancer?According to scientific research and the findings of F. Batmanghelidj M.D., as published in the October 1987 Journal of Anticancer Research, there is a definite link between dehydration and the formation of cancer in the body.

Dr Otto Warburg scientifically recorded the primary cause of cancer as being a lack of oxygen and other nutrients to the cells due to toxic accumulation and acidosis in the body in the early 1930s, and he was rewarded with the 1931 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his findings.

Warburg wrote that cancer cells can live without oxygen whereas normal cells cannot, and believed that if one deprived a cell 35% of its oxygen for 48 hours, it could become cancerous.

This is where the connection between dehydration and the formation of cancer in the human body makes sense; water is the primary method of transporting oxygen to all the cells in the human body and is also the primary method of removing toxins from the cells and out of the body.

A lack of water in the body therefore leads to a lack of oxygenation and a build-up of toxins in the body; this makes the body far more vulnerable to the systemic proliferation of certain viruses, bacteria and fungi which are associated with cancer.

Millions of individuals across the globe walk around at least partially dehydrated most of the time without even realising it. Most of us do not even realise that we are dehydrated because our body has an amazing drought management system whereby it pulls water from less critical areas of the body to preserve the function of critical organs. It is believed that this chronic dehydration can lead to a prolonged drought in the body, which in turn can lead to the formation of cancer.

The best way to ensure that you remain fully hydrated is to invest in a water cooler that will provide access to pure, toxin-free, chilled drinking water whenever you feel like it, thereby ensuring that you remain hydrated and healthy.

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