Bottled Water - What's the Appeal?What is the appeal of bottled water that so many millions of people drink it every day? In the old days good old tap water was all that was on offer and it was good enough for many generations to drink. Suddenly it is cool to drink overpriced, trendy, flavoured water that comes in a bottle which ends up polluting the planet on one of the thousands of landfills.

Water has become a multi-million dollar business, and it just seems strange to me that something that is naturally available and vital to the existence of man has now become a designer drink. Bottled water currently costs 10,000 times more than its municipal counterpart, and that is just a crying shame.

The appeal seems to be that people think that bottled water is healthier, purer and tastier than tap water. I can agree that bottles water may taste better than what comes out of your tap, but I disagree that it is healthier or purer, unless it is pure spring water that has been tapped at source and has nothing added to it.

Unfortunately, research has revealed that the majority of pure bottled water that is passed off as “spring water or mineral water” is nothing more than ordinary tap water that has been bottled in some factory around the corner. That “artesian spring water” that you paid for last week was bottled in a dingy little workshop down near the docks, and the Premium Glacier Drinking Water is about as genuine as Father Christmas!

Yes, there are some good and genuine water companies that DO supply exactly what they say on the label, but unless you are sure that said water company belongs to the British Water Cooler Association (BWA), I would be sceptical of all those claims on the bottle labels. Chances are that the closest the fruit-flavoured bottled water at your local café has been to fruit is when the delivery truck passed by an orchard on the way.

What is the appeal? I am sorry, but I really do not understand how paying through the nose for something that is fake most of the time and causes so much pollution on a planet that is under bombardment from the human race can be seen as being either trendy or healthy.

Now I am not saying that all bottled water is fake. I do drink bottled water myself, but with a difference – my bottled water comes in huge bottles that fit on top of my water cooler. The water company that supplies my water is a certified member of BWA, so I know that when they tell me that the water in my water cooler comes from a natural spring, it is the truth. BWA members have to comply with some very stringent rules and regulations, you see, so I trust my water company implicitly.

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