Home water coolers offer virtually unlimited access to chilled drinking water without having to bother about having sufficient space in your fridge for big jugs or bottles of water, which some people are forever forgetting to refill anyway.
Hubby will also be glad to have more space in the fridge for his ales, and you can take him with you to check out the rage of great little water coolers so that he can get one that he can use when his buddies come over for a drink or to watch the game – no lack of chilled water to use for a mixer.
Bottled water coolers offer:
- Easy access for the youngsters to icy cold water; this means they will drink more healthy water and less sugary drinks
- Disposable glasses mean you do not have to wash loads of glasses/cups every day
- Great looks
- The kids love getting water from a vending machine
- You will not have to get up to get water every time because even the smallest kid can easily reach the lever/tap and help themselves
Living-Water, London’s premier water supply company offers a range of both bottled and mains water coolers like the Executive water cooler which:
- Is very stylish so blends into your home seamlessly, and you can colour-coordinate the side panels to your décor;
- Has a drip-tray and a leak-prevention spike system, which is ideal and also very necessary if you have children;
- Offers cool, ambient and hot water options
Living-Water uses 18.9 litre water bottles and fill them with Living-Water Spring Water sourced and bottled in Wenlock, a designated area of outstanding natural beauty, and a SSSI (Special Site of Scientific Interest).
Living-Water also offers SquashStix, an easy to use cordial in Orange or Apple & Blackcurrant – each stick is the perfect serving size to add to a glass of water and children love it!