Why Does My Body Need Water?The human body consists of around 70% water, and it is important to maintain this water level because water is critical for virtually every bodily function and plays a fundamental role in the shaping of bodily fluids and cells.

According to Dr. Laurent Le Bellego, Chairman of the EFBW and author of the paper ˜The Science on Water and Hydration,’ it is vital that we drink water regularly to stay hydrated and compensate for bodily fluids that we lose via normal bodily functions such as urination, crying, sweating and excreting faeces.

The human body cannot store water, so it is imperative that we replace all lost fluids as soon as possible. Not drinking sufficient water regularly will lead to dehydration, which manifests as a dry mouth, thirst, dry skin, headaches, dizziness, decreased urine output, fatigue, and impaired physical and mental performance.

Drinking water on a regular basis is also vital in order to maintain a constant water and mineral balance; when there is too little water in the body cells shrink, causing the kidneys to produce less urine, which can lead to kidney stones among other health problems as urinating is the body’s method of getting rid of toxins.

Water makes up two-thirds of all cells in the body, and drinking water regularly is important for the distribution of vital nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and glucose to cells. Apart from acting as a carrier to disperse nutrients to the cells, water also allows various chemical reactions to take place in those cells. Our cells need water in order to multiply; without it they will weaken and eventually they will die.

The main ingredient in our DNA is water, without which the human body would simply cease to exist. Water helps control our core body temperature, dissolves chemicals that cells require, helps cells to keep their shape and size, keeps our skin from drying out, and lubricates and cushions our joints.

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