Asking the question, What is the Best Water for Coffee? may sound strange to some, because coffee is coffee and it is the type of coffee that matters not the water, isn’t it?

Well, according to certain baristas, and a company that has just launched Third Wave Water, that is not so – the quality of the water and its mineral content will have a major impact on the taste of your coffee.

Coffee professionals Taylor Minor, of Ohio’s Telemetry Roasters, and Charles Nick, of The Wright Cup insist that the water’s soil type, rainfall, and solar intensity effect the flavour of coffee and that their new soluble coffee-optimised water capsules will provide coffee with a superior taste.

Well, if you buy into this and are prepared to spend needless money on water capsules in order to get better-tasting coffee, then fine, have at it! If, however, you feel that this is all just a bunch of nonsense but as a coffee-fanatic still enjoy a flavourful cup of joe, then there are other, cheaper ways.

While there is undoubtedly some science behind making the best cup of coffee, such as the prefect amount of minerals in the water that you use, and your tap water is not of the best quality, then we have the perfect solution for you – filtered water.

The purest water that you can get, next to actual spring water, is water that is dispensed from a water cooler that has a really good filter. Whether you use a water cooler that only dispenses cold water or one that dispenses cold, ambient and hot water, water from a water cooler is the best water.

If you are a coffeeholic, or just enjoy drinking the purest water possible, then it is important that you invest in your taste buds and your health by investing in a good water cooler from a reputable water cooler company like Living-Water.