Drinking water is mandatory if you want to live a healthy life; it is actually mandatory if you want to live at all, because the human body consists of approximately 70% water and this balance needs to be maintained.
Benefits of Drinking Water for your Immune System
Apart from the fact that every single cell in our bodies needs water for production, growth and function, drinking water is also vital and beneficial to our immune system. Drinking water on a regular basis ensures that all the systems in your body function optimally.
Drinking water in sufficient quantities ensures that oxygen is carried to all the cells in your body, flushes toxins and also affects our immune systems:
Water, Blood, Toxins and Oxygen
Drinking water helps the blood carry the oxygen to wherever it is needed, powering all the body’s systems, including the organs and muscles.
Drinking water helps your kidneys flush out toxins, allows necessary nutrient uptake in the cells and waste products to be expelled. Not drinking sufficient water will result in a toxin build-up and a weakened immune system.
Water and Lymph Production
White blood cells and nutrients are circulated by the immune system to all of the body cells. Lymph is found throughout the body, and it performs the following functions:
- Lymph removes toxins from the blood;
- It transports immune system cells, including white blood cells throughout the body, from the thymus and the bone marrow;
- Lymph carries nutrients and water to the blood, and via the blood, to all the cells of the body;
You have to drink water for your body to be able to produce lymph. Lymph transports immune cells and white blood cells throughout the body. Without it, the body cannot fight disease and you could get very ill.
Water and the Production of Digestion
Drinking water helps you to digest your food properly and keep your digestive system strong. Drinking inadequate amounts of water may cause you to develop serious digestive problems or to become constipated.
Drinking water frequently can prevent quite a number of illnesses and conditions, including arthritis and joint problems; insomnia; depression; leukaemia and lymphomas. The message is clear – if you want to remain in peak health condition, you need to drink water regularly enough to stay hydrated.
London bottled water coolers and mains fed water coolers from Living-Water.