Drinking water regularly in order to keep the balance of bodily fluids intact is something that most of us know by now we need to do, as the body is about 70% water and we are constantly losing it in various ways.
What many of us do not realise is that apart from slaking our thirst, cleaning toxins from the body and helping the blood to transport oxygen and nutrients to every part of the body and to expel waste, we also need to drink water for various other reasons.
Benefits of Drinking Water
Drinking water keeps your body hydrated, which is a good thing, because every cell in the body needs water to grow, but there are many other reasons why it is vital that we drink water regularly:
Drink Water for Your Joints
Drinking water keeps your joints lubricated and healthy and strong because moisture is required to keep them strong and flexible so that you can move easily and without pain.
Drink Water for Your Brain
Drinking water ensures that you brain gets all the oxygen required for optimal functioning, and it increases cognitive function.
Drink Water for Your Muscles
Water makes your muscles grow stronger, so drinking water regularly helps to carry much-needed oxygen to all the cells in your body, including to the muscles. Drinking water also helps your muscles to work longer and harder which in turn builds muscles, so you win all round.
Drink Water for Your Weight
Drinking water regularly is recommended by most health and fitness programmes specifically because it helps you to lose and maintain weight. There are a few reasons why drinking water to lose weight:
- Drinking lots of water, strangely enough helps prevent fluid retention
- Drinking water helps your body to burn stored fat
- Drinking water helps your kidneys detoxify your body easily, which means there will be no extra stress placed on your liver, which needs to take up the slack if you don’t hydrate enough
- Drinking water helps flush toxins via urination
Drink Water for Your Skin
Drinking water often helps your skin to remain moisturised and plump looking which gives it a healthy glow and makes you look much younger
So, it is important to drink water regularly for various health reasons, and an added bonus is that drinking water will keep you in a good mood. A water cooler or water dispenser is a perfect way to do this.
Get bottled water coolers and mains water coolers in London.