If You Bake You Need a Home Water CoolerThis may sound like a strange thing to say, because what on earth can a home water cooler have to do with baking, but it is actually not; filtered water from a water cooler is far better for baking than tap water.

Some individuals may think that the type of water that you use in baking does not make a difference because how much water does one actually use anyway? Even if a recipe calls for just a little bit of water though, filtered water or spring water from a home water cooler is a much better option and trust me; you will taste the difference in your baked goodies, especially breads.

Master-bakers know that tap water, even in First World countries, is not always of the best quality with which to bake as it can cause chemical reactions that could affect the way that baking powder reacts as well as the consistency and taste of your baked goods:

  • Chlorine: Many water-treatment plants use chlorine to treat the drinking water, and some of the organisms involved in bread-making, especially if baking sourdough bread, react negatively to this chemical, even in minute amounts.

  • Chloramines: Chloramines are compounds containing chlorine and nitrogen, and are used in the pipes delivering your tap water to kill bacteria in the water; this action often alters the taste of your tap water and can also make your baked goods taste funny.

  • Hard Water: Hard water is water that contains mineral salts which can change the taste of whatever you are baking and can also make it hard to digest the nutrients.

Water from a home water cooler is better to use for baking because it is purified and does not contain any toxins that can interfere with the baking process or taste. I mean, what is the use of baking those lovely fresh rolls or breads if they do not taste like manna from heaven?

Of course, once you have invested in a home water cooler you are sure to find plenty of other uses for it, and your children and spouse will also love being able to access fresh chilled water on a hot day or after a hard workout or play session.

Tip: Take the money that you will save on buying bottled water for hubby and carbonated drinks for the kids and spend it on something nice for yourself – they won’t know ;-)