This may sound a strange question to ask on a water cooler site at first glance, but once you have read this article you will understand¦
The fact that we may all unknowingly be consuming drugs every time we take a nice long drink of tap water may sound like something out of an Agatha Christie or Alfred Hitchcock novel, but it is nevertheless true.
Stanley Kubrick satirised the fact that Communists, under the cover of the federally instituted fluoridation program, were spiking America’s water with sedatives in his 1964 masterpiece, Dr Strangelove. While this was actually the product of Cold War fear-mongering, it is true that consumers across the globe are unwittingly consuming prescription drugs, including addictive psychoactive ones, on a daily basis.
It is fairly safe to say that if you reside in an urban area, your tap water is laced with minute amounts of antidepressants, benzodiazepines, anticonvulsants, and oestrogen and a progestogen from oral contraceptive pills. Added to this is also a range of recreational drugs such as cocaine.
All of these drugs not only have a profound effect on the human nervous system, but also on the ecosystem, with potentially demonstrable and dire consequences for other species.
How do these drugs enter our water systems and land up in our tap water? What most individuals do not know is that an estimated 80% of prescription medications isn’t broken down in our bodies, so whether old medications are flushed down the toilet or excreted in the form of urine, these active chemicals get recycled back into reservoirs because sewage treatment plants aren’t able to filter them out.
The only way to ensure that your drinking water is pure is to invest in a water cooler. Living-Water in London offers a range of bottled water coolers that dispense Living-Water Spring Water sourced in the SSSI (Special Site of Scientific Interest) in the Wenlock range as well as mains water coolers that can be fitted with the Living-Water Triple Activated Carbon Filter.