Are Water Coolers Hygienic?I have recently been considering installing a water cooler in my home office as it is by far the healthier option in terms of fresh drinking water, but I was plagued by the question; Are Water Coolers Hygienic?

With that in mind, I did what I usually do, jumped onto the internet and did loads of research on water coolers, water companies and the question of water cooler hygiene. I must say that I was pleasantly surprised at the amount of good information as to this question.

While there are obviously water companies that are not so on the up-and-up, there are also those that truly make it their business to supply water coolers that are extremely hygienic and adhere to the most stringent government water regulations.

One of these companies is Living-Water, who supplies a wide variety of bottled water coolers and mains water coolers to suit every style, taste and budget. Being that I work from home and don’t need something huge, I decided to focus on the Living Water bottled water coolers.

 Are Living Water Bottled Water Coolers Hygienic?

The Living-Water range of bottled water coolers consists of the Star, the Executive and the Table Top. What I love about this range is that these water coolers all dispense spring water from source in the Wenlock rock strata. The bottles are all filled with crystal-clear natural spring water that has been filtered deep underground for millions of years – just up my alley.

The Star Bottled Water Cooler

I love the fact that the Living Water Star Spring Water Coolers have an auto-sanitisationbutton that negates the need for chemicals and allows on to sterilize as often as you want to. The Star also has hygienic solenoid valves so that there is no direct contact between the water and one’s hands.

The Executive Bottled Water Cooler

The Executive water coolers feature a patented easy to change “water cassette” that offers 100% guaranteed hygiene.

The Compact Table Top Bottled Water Cooler

This compact little water cooler offers proven functionality and reliability and promises increased hygiene. I also like the fact that it is Energy Star rated

Living-Water uses water bottles with clip-on handles, which I can see are far more hygienic, as there are no hidden places for bacteria to hide. Living-Water also guarantees that all their bottles are thoroughly cleaned both inside and out using Wenlock’s modern bottling facilities, and once bottled hygienically sealed from the outside world.

Having diligently studied different water coolers from various water cooler companies, I am completely sold on the excellent hygiene practises and environment-friendliness of Living-Water and have just ordered one of their bottled water coolers.