The human body needs water to survive, and because we are constantly losing water via perspiration, exhalation, and urination, we need to drink water regularly to stay hydrated. This is vital to our continued existence because very single cell in our bodies needs water to operate optimally.
That is great; in other words all we need to do to stay hydrated and healthy is drink water? Basically yes, but it is not that easy – what happens if you live in a country where the water is not safe to drink, or you just hate the taste of water? You have a problem that is what, because drinking water is the best way to hydrate your body.
This has left the way open for business in step in and offer all sorts of drinks that are supposedly healthy for one and for those who are weight conscious there are even more options. So, that solves the problem of individuals not drinking water then? No, not really!
The problem with this is that there are too many businesses that are all about the money and who will tell you what you want to hear in order to sell their products, whether it is the truth or not. There is negative calories water, flavoured water, health water, spring water, mineral water, infused water, enhanced water, vitamin water, carbonated water, juiced water and many more different types of water on the market.
The problem is that many if not most of these bottled waters are nowhere near as healthy for you as what their labels proclaim. Many of the companies actually take ordinary tap water, bottle it and sell it at 300 times the price! This is not joke; the public is being bamboozled left, right and centre when it comes to drinking water.
Are Flavoured Waters Actually just Diet Soda?
When it comes to ˜flavoured water,’ it is vital that you read the nutrition label before adding it to your shopping list. Here are some of the questions you may want to ask yourself before spending money on flavoured water:
· Does Flavoured Water Really Have Vitamins?
Flavoured water does contain vitamins in many cases, but not all of them do. You might also want to look at the label to see exactly what vitamins are purported to be included, and remember that these are additives, so could be anything from vitamins B or C to calcium.
· How Many Calories Does Flavoured Water Have?
This may be important to you if you are on a diet or watching your weight. Remember that drinking water does not only help maintain weight but can also help you lose weight.
· How is Flavoured Water Sweetened?
Lots of flavoured waters are sweetened, mostly using some form of sugar (high fructose corn syrup, cane sugar, agave syrup), or artificial sweeteners (sucralose or aspartame) that can be tough on the waistline and not that healthy at all.
To answer the main question: Are Flavoured Waters Actually just Diet Soda? I would have to say that according to an article by Tamara Cohen, the bitter truth is that a small bottle of flavoured water can contain as much sugar as a plate of Krispy Kreme doughnuts.
[Source: The Daily Mail] More SODA than diet soda in my book!
So, quite frankly, drink water, drink water, and drink water! If you really don’t like water, invest in a water cooler that supplies you with filtered, crystal clear, toxin-free, great-tasting water at the touch of a button or lever and you will learn to LOVE drinking water.
Get home water coolers and office water dispensers in London. Get a free water cooler trial and water needs assessment from Living-Water.