Another Excellent Reason to Invest in a Home Water CoolerIf you are trying to convince your better half that investing in a home water cooler is a great idea and they are not biting, this might be a convincing argument for you.

Tap water is not the best water for baking! No, that is not an excuse or something I just invented so that you can convince hubby to get a home water cooler, it is the absolute truth! Of course this will only work if you actually bake, so best you get baking that man some bread, woman¦

Using the right kind of water when baking may seem trivial to some, but if you consider yourself a master-baker and want to ensure that your creations taste the best and come out absolutely perfectly, then tap water is the last kind of water that you should be using.

Tap water can cause chemical reactions to alter the taste of your bread, and it can also affect the way your baking powder reacts:

  • Chlorine is used in some water-treatment plants; some of the organisms that are involved in bread-making react adversely to chlorine, especially if you are baking sourdough bread
  • Chloramines are used in the pipes carrying tap water to kill and interact with bacteria in the water, which can alter the taste of the water and of the bread you bake
  • Mineral Salts can often be found in tap water. When this is so, it is called ˜hard’ water; ˜soft’ water is water that is free of mineral salts. Mineral salts are not good for bakers as they not only change the taste of the bread, but can also interfere with the way that nutrients are digested.

Bottled water or water from a water cooler is far better to use for baking, not only breads, but baking in general, because it is purified and does not contain the above contaminants that interfere with the baking process.

Of course, home water coolers are good for other reasons too, including the fact that children will drink more water instead of fizzy drinks if they have access to clear, chilled water from a home water cooler.

If you have no children, then get baking, Girl, and make sure you use bottled water. Once you have gotten your man addicted to freshly baked rolls and bread with his breakfast on a Sunday morning, use tap water one Sunday, and watch him taste the difference. Then tell him that the breads and rolls will taste better again when you can use water from your very own home water cooler.


Bread Club