Mineral water is water that contains dissolved mineral salts such as sodium, calcium, magnesium, and potassium compounds. Mineral water can be naturally occurring or it can be manufactured when mineral salts are added to filtered water.
Natural Mineral Water
Natural mineral water is groundwater from the depths of the earth that has been naturally purified trough filtering along its journey and enriched with various dissolved minerals from the underground rocks through, over and under which it passes.
Natural mineral water can also contain gases such as hydrogen sulphide, nitrogen and carbon dioxide. Water that contains magnesium and calcium is known as hard water, and water that does not contain these minerals is called soft water.
Natural mineral water can be sourced from wells or springs on the surface; some natural mineral water is sparkling or effervescent due to the gases it contains. Thermal of hot springs, the water of which has been heated by hot or molten rock in the earth’s crust, often yield water with quite a high concentration of gases and dissolved salts
Traditionally, the place where natural mineral water was used both for bathing and for drinking was known as a spa; where bathing, therapeutics, or recreation was primarily the target, it was known as a bath, and a well was where the water was only consumed. These activities were known as taking the waters or taking the cure.
Unfortunately it is no longer possible to visit most of these natural mineral water sites because they are exclusively owned by commercial enterprises that make a mint out of bottling the mineral water.
Bottled Mineral Water
Bottled mineral water is water that has been bottled at source and is generally named after the source. This water may only be called mineral water if it has undergone minimal or no treatment. It is permitted though to remove certain minerals such as iron, sulphur, manganese, and arsenic through filtration, decantation, or treatment with ozone-enriched air as long as said treatment does not alter the composition of the water’s essential constituents that give it its properties.
Various companies throughout the world sell mineral water that is not natural mineral water but actually nothing more than ordinary tap water that has been mineralised by the addition of minerals. Be careful that you do not get taken in by buying this artificial mineral water which is sold at quite high prices too, as it has no health benefits other than what you would get from ordinary tap water.
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