Adequate Water Consumption = Better Health and AwarenessThere is one thing that most health professionals all over the world agree on and that’s the importance of drinking enough water.

When you consider the fact that 70 percent of the human body is comprised of water the importance of adequate consumption of it becomes clear. In fact, if placed in a situation where there was a shortage of water the average person would only be able to survive for 7 days without it.

I’m sure like most people you’ve heard that the recommended daily intake of water is about eight glasses. This is a good guideline to follow, obviously not all at once. You should also remember that most foods contain water as well such as watermelon, so not all of the eight glasses need be in the form of pure water.

Water is also a key element in the correct functioning of many of the body’s processes and can speed up your metabolism. This in turn will also help you to maintain a healthy weight as water helps the body metabolize stored fat.

The best way to describe how drinking water can help you to lose weight is by describing what happens when you’re not drinking enough water. The kidneys need enough water to function correctly, so if the kidneys fail to get enough water the body turns to the liver as a backup. The livers main function is to convert fat into energy, but if the kidneys aren’t functioning properly then the liver has to pick up some of the kidneys workload, and therefore won’t be able to burn fat efficiently, making your metabolism sluggish.

Sufficient water = increased energy. Many people don’t realize it but a lack of water actually contributes to fatigue. This is not surprising when you take into account that by the time you realize you’re thirsty, you’ve already lost one percent of the water in your body. If you don’t drink enough water it leads to dehydration, which leads to fatigue. So if you’re feeling a little run down throughout the day then there’s a good chance you might not be drinking enough water!

So the next time you’re walking past the drinking fountain at work, make use of it!

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