7 Steps to disinfecting your water1. Clear water is a sign of pure water. Always drain long standing pipes for 30 seconds to one minute before drinking.

2. 1 Gallon water is disinfected by 8-16 drops of regular household bleach (visually about 1/4 of a teaspoon) – double that for cloudy water. Shake and let stand 30 minutes. One teaspoon will disinfect 5 gallons. Immediately after treating, the water must initially have a slight smell of chlorine. If it does not have a chlorine smell – repeat the process.

3. Household bleach is relatively harmless. The smell or waft of chlorine is not bad: it indicates that water is treated and germ free. Once treated and disinfected, the chlorine smell will go away in a few days.

4. Regularly used water from large tanks may be treated once or twice a month with 1 Oz. bleach per 200 gallons or 5 Oz. bleach per 1000 gallons.

5. Long-standing water in tanks will be disinfected with 1 pint household bleach per 1000 gallons. (2500 gallon tanks are fine with 3 pints.)

6. Bleach effectively kills bacteria and viruses, stops smells and then breaks down. Its effective germ killing alkaline property is completely neutralized very quickly. It does not stay chemically active in tanks for more than a few days. Most germs require sunlight to grow. Store water in the dark.

7. If the water is relatively clear: but has a noticeable smell of chlorine: it is drinkable, disinfected, and harmless. Humans need 2 quarts per day.

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