5 Reasons to Drink More WaterMany people do not drink sufficient water even when they are in dire need of it because they say that tap water does not taste good, it is warm and it is full of toxins. Be that as it may, it is necessary to drink water often because it is the body needs it to function.

The body is made of around 70% water, which performs many functions in the body, such as keeping the joints lubricated, helping with the formation of cells, keeping the mucous membranes moist, cleaning toxins out of the body via the kidneys and urination, and helping keep the blood at the right viscosity so that it can easily travel throughout the body.

We lose water every day through urination, bowel movement, crying, sweating, breathing and a few other actions. You need to drink water so that you can maintain the balance of bodily fluids or you will become dehydrated.

A shortage of water in the body is called dehydration, and it can lead to minor irritations like a dry mouth, eyes and nose, to more unhealthy conditions such as headaches, dizziness, a blocked colon, and fatigue. Extreme dehydration can also lead to sunken eyes, stretched skin, heatstroke and even death.

5 Reasons to Drink More Water

If you do not replace the water that is lost every day, you will have problems, so here are some reasons to make you rethink your daily water intake.

Drinking water regularly will:

  1. Help Control Calories: Drinking water before a meal will make you feel full, which means that you will eat less and will therefore lose weight more easily
  2. Aid in Kidney Function: Drinking water every day will help your kidneys to do what they are meant to do more easily; rid the body of toxins such as blood urea nitrogen. Not drinking water regularly to replace what your body has lost could lead to kidney stones, especially if you live in a warm climate.
  3. Energise Your Muscles: Not drinking water regularly will lead to the cells in your body shrivelling, which can cause muscle fatigue and an inability to do physical exercise or work for a sustained period of time. It is best to drink water before and after exercise to ensure that you maintain the water and electrolyte balance in the body.
  4. Keep Looking Younger: Now who does not want to look younger and have a skin that glows healthily? Drinking water keeps your skin plump, which hides wrinkles.
  5. Maintain Regularity: Drinking water on a regular basis keeps your gastrointestinal tract moving things along as they should. Dehydration can cause the colon to pull water you’re your stools, which will lead to constipation.

If you do not like drinking tap water, then the best way to ensure that you drink sufficient water to maintain the balance of fluids in the body is to invest in a water cooler. Water coolers dispense fresh, chilled water that tastes great and is free of toxins. A water cooler is the best way to ensure that you have easy access to great-tasting water and will encourage you to drink more water.
