The 14th ICUD conference will be held from 10 -15 September at modern facilities in a unique location of one of the most attractive cities of the world – Prague.

The aim of the conference is to facilitate mutual sharing of information and to find the most balanced and therefore sustainable solutions for current urban drainage problems.

Topics to be discussed at the conference include:

  • Urban Hydrologic Processes
  • Transport and Sewer Processes
  • Drainage Impacts
  • Sustainable Drainage and Impact Mitigation
  • Tools, Techniques and Analysis
  • Water Management and Society
  • Special Sessions

Keynote Speakers at the event will include:

Gabriela Cembrano, Technical University of Catalonia-BarcelonaTech (UPC), Institute of Robotics and Industrial Computing (IRI), Spain, is a researcher of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and of the Technical University of Catalonia-BarcelonaTech (UPC) at the Institute of Robotics and Industrial Computing (IRI) in Barcelona, Spain. She is also a Scientific Advisor of CETaqua, a joint R+D Centre of the Suez group, CSIC and UPC. Cembrano will present: Blue water, green and grey infrastructure – why control theory matters.

Bernhard Truffer, Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (EAWAG), Switzerland; Faculty of Geosciences at Utrecht University, Netherlands, heads the Environmental Social Science research department at the Swiss Federal institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (Eawag) and also holds the chair on the Geography of Transitions in Urban Infrastructures at the Faculty of Geosciences at Utrecht University in the Netherlands. His topic will be: Are we Approaching the End of the End-of-Pipe Era?

Wolfgang Rauch, Faculty of Engineering Science, University Innsbruck, Austria, is a professor for urban water management at the University Innsbruck. He will be discussing: Reasoning of Modelling Failures – From Hardware Resilience to Black Swan events.

Jochen Mueller, (Prof for Environ.Tox.), The University of Queensland (UQ), QAEHS, Australia, leads a team of researchers on innovative tools for monitoring exposure to chemicals, and will discuss: Exploiting Wastewater to Better Understand Health Risks in Our Communities.

Joergen Bo Nielsen, DHI group, Denmark, is Vice President of Research & Development at DHI, and he will bring his extensive knowledge regarding understanding of new technologies and on how academic research and technological innovation can be combined to create real improvements within urban water management to the table in his presentation: Digital Transformation of Urban Water Systems.

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