10 Reasons Why You Should Choose Living-WaterWe know that drinking water is good for us, but did you know that every system in your body depends on it?

1. Staying healthy
Water keeps your whole body working efficiently and helps prevent illness and infection.

2. Staying cool
Sweat is your body’s way of controlling your temperature.
To sweat properly, you need plenty of water on board!

3. Assists recovery from exercise
Drinking water before, during and after exercise helps replace the fluid you lose through sweating, reduces the risk and severity of injuries, speeds recovery time.

4. Boosts energy, increases alertness
If you’re even a little dehydrated, you could be tired, irritable and more likely to become constipated and get a headache. You lose at least 5 to 10 cups of fluid a day through sweating, breathing and urinating. What is the solution? Drink more water!

5. Assists recovery from illness
It’s true that you should drink plenty of fluids when you’re sick. Water helps control a fever, reduces inflammation and aids respiration. Being adequately hydrated reduces recovery time.

6. Reduces risk of heart attack
Researchers have shown that those who drink more than 5 glasses of water a day are less likely to die from heart attack or heart disease than those who drink less than two glasses a day.

7. Helps control weight
Water aids digestion and helps give you the energy you need for exercise.
Sometimes, if you think you’re hungry, a glass of water can replace a fatty snack, giving you that full feeling without playing havoc with your blood sugar levels.

8. Flushes toxins from your system
Water helps flush toxins from your body, assisting the functioning of your kidneys, liver and bowel.

9. Healthier skin
Drinking water moisturizes your skin from the inside out, keeping it supple and reducing dryness.

10. Healthier teeth
Drinking water is better for your teeth and mouth than sugary drinks.
This means less expensive dental visits, brighter smiles!

Living-Water supplies businesses in London with water coolers and water dispensers.