What Are the Benefits of Drinking Water at Work?The human body consists of around 70% water, but where is it all? The water is spread throughout our bodies in constant percentages: the brain consists of 90% water; kidneys contain around 79% water; bones are 22% water, muscles consist of 79% water; and our blood is made up of 83% water, and the largest organ, the skin, is 64% water.

Water can be found in every single cell in the human body because it is needed for building, growing and maintaining the body. Water helps with our metabolism, protects and moisturises our joints, assists our organs to absorb nutrients, facilitates the removal of toxins from our body, transports nutrients and oxygen to cells via the bloodstream, protects our vital organs, moisturises the air in lungs, and regulates our core body temperature.

The benefits of drinking water at work are virtually infinite; we do not only lose water when we are exercising, we lose water all the time due to breathing, sweating, and urinating, which means that we need to replenish the water we lose constantly in order to remain hydrated.

Drinking water at work helps with:

  • Fatigue: Dehydration places a strain on the heart because it must work harder to pump the thick blood throughout the body;
  • Health: Drinking water throughout the day keeps your immune system working which helps the body fight against flu and other ailments such as kidney stones and heart attacks.
  • Mood: Anxiety and depression are signs of dehydration; drinking water regularly keeps you in a good mood.
  • Oxygen: All the cells in your body will be starved of oxygen if you do not drink water regularly, making you fatigued
  • Productivity and Mental Alertness: A mere 2% loss of water will result in diminished cognitive ability and mathematical skills, as well as loss of visual perception and reasoning.
  • Toxins: Drinking water helps flush waste and toxins from the body; dehydration could lead to kidney and heart problems, even cancer

The best way to make sure that your staff drinks water throughout the day is to purchase an office water cooler. Office water coolers ensure that they always have access to chilled, fresh, toxin-free drinking water.