Drinking water is important because the body is made up of between 70% and 80% water. We lose this water throughout the day via sweating, urination and breathing. We need to drink water in order to maintain this balance in our bodies so that we can operate at our best.
The fact that water is the one thing that the human body cannot do without (we can go for about 2 weeks without food but only about 3 days without water before we die) makes water big business!
Big business means big money, and that is what large corporations are all about. The fact that more individuals are becoming more health-conscious and have realised that ordinary tap water is not all that good anymore because it contains toxins. Drugs, pharmaceuticals, calcium, and fluoride in drinking water makes it unacceptable for many health-conscious individuals to drink.
Unfortunately this means that there are many companies out there that will do just about anything to make that money, and when the eye is on money ethics fly out the window!
Underhand Ploys of Companies to Make You Drink More Bottled Water
If tap water is no good as drinking water then a substitute needs to be found, and this came in the form of bottled water. As more and more people turned to battled water, whether for health reasons or just because it was trendy to do so, beverage companies suddenly added a water division, and the advertising and marketing race was on to secure the largest market-share.
All one need do to see proof of this is to walk into any store that sells food or beverages and you will be assailed with the sight of numerous brands of bottled water that all claim to be the best and the healthiest. The truth is that 90% of the advertising claims that companies make about why you should drink bottled water are 100% false!
Bearing this in mind, let us look at and debunk some of the myths that surround bottled water:
1. Bottled Water Is Best After an Intense Workout
This is utter nonsense. When one loses water through sweating during an intense workout one also loses electrolytes such as potassium and sodium, which need to be replaced. This is why it is better to drink a sports drink if your workout lasts longer than an hour.
2. You Need 8 Glasses of Water per Day
This is an old myth that actually occurred due a medical report being misread. You need to drink water according to your weight, climate, and exercise regimen; the more you sweat the more water you need to drink
3. Bottled Water Is Best After an Intense Workout
Rubbish! Bottle water does not contain electrolytes that are lost when we sweat a lot; that requires a sports drink with electrolytes in. For less strenuous workouts ordinary drinking water is fine
4. Water Bottles Are Not Harmful to the Environment Because They Can Be Recycled
Eco-consciousness is not only about the bottles (most of which end up in landfills) but also about the carbon footprint of making the bottles, e.g. manufacturing, trucking, and shelving
5. Bottled Water with Added Minerals, Vitamins, or Proteins is Healthier than Tap Water
According to Marion Nestle, Ph.D., professor of nutrition studies at New York University, this is nothing other than a marketing ploy. Amy Subar, Ph.D., a nutritionist with the National Cancer Institute says the additives are also a very scant serving
So, now that you know that most of the claims about bottled water are nothing more than that, just marketing claims, do yourself a favour and invest in an office water cooler and maybe a home water cooler as well. Office water coolers and home water coolers offer pure, tasty, chilled drinking water at a fraction of the cost and virtually 24/7.