Why is it Important that I Drink Water at Work?Most individuals do not drink nearly enough water during the day, whether because they work with electronic equipment or machinery or because they are on the move the whole day and not near fresh water. This is a grave error and could result in dehydration and major health problems.

According to Dr Caroline Edmonds, a psychologist at the University of East London, individuals who drink water prior to completing involved mental tasks fared better and around 14% quicker than those who did not drink water.

Drinking sufficient water throughout the day is crucial to your being able to work effectively, be it to complete complex calculations, perform cognitive tasks, or do some sort of physical work. Even mild dehydration could adversely affect both mental and physical performance.

When you do not drink water regularly, toxins that are normally discharged via sweating or urination will build up in your body. Drinking water dilutes toxins in your urine, including those that can cause cancer and other diseases. When these toxins settle in the bladder or the kidneys they can cause kidney stones which are very difficult and painful to pass.

Your body has an internal temperature regulator, and when it does not get sufficient water, it cannot regulate itself and your core body temperature will rise. Dehydration also causes thirst, a dry mouth, headaches, fatigue, dry skin, digestive problems, and more. If you do not drink water at this stage it could result in even more dangerous conditions such as coma and death.

Drinking water regularly can keep your metabolic rate regular, improve your digestive system, significantly improve your ability to think, reason and calculate, and moisturise your skin, apart from keeping you cool and refreshed.

Start your day with a nice big glass of water before even having coffee or brushing your teeth, to make up for the dehydration that your body went through while you were sleeping, and continue drinking water throughout the day, ending off with a glass just before retiring.

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