What are the Benefits of Drinking Filtered Water?We all need to drink sufficient water in order to stay hydrated and keep our bodies healthy and working optimally, but drinking water that is full of toxins is not a good thing and can actually do more harm.

It is important therefore to ensure that the water we are drinking is potable and as pure as possible, which is sometimes only possible with the use of a water filtration system of some sort, even if it is tap water that you are drinking.

Benefits of Drinking Filtered Water

There are many benefits to ensuring that your drinking water is filtered and as free of carcinogenic toxins as possible:

Using a whole house water filter will ensure that all the water in your house is free of toxins long before the water even hits your taps, meaning that all the water, even that used for food preparation and cleaning your dishes etc. is pure.

If you opt to use a more localised water filter such as a pitcher, countertop, or tap filter, you will still have pure, toxin-free drinking water that will taste great and be healthy for you. These types of filters are easily put I place.

Although many companies make outrageous claims about their particular brand of bottled water, there is no guarantee that the bottled water that you are drinking is any better than the tap water; in fact sometimes unscrupulous companies are actually bottling that self-same tap water and selling it to you at ridiculous prices. Various studies have proven that around 40% of bottled water is just ordinary tap water.

Most water filters are not that expensive, and when compared of the cost to your health, there can be no other choice. Of course, if you are not that mad about water filters, you could always purchase a water cooler that can provide you with chilled, hot or ambient filtered water virtually 24/7.

Living-Water has a wide range of both bottled and mains water coolers and will, on request, give you a free water-needs assessment and recommendation as to which of their water coolers would be best-suited to your needs and budget.