Just how pure is that bottled water that you are spending so much money on because you do not like the taste of your tap water?
Big Business is great at creating manufactured demand for stuff we don’t need, and in convincing us that whatever they are pushing is good for us by building a massive ad campaign around it. Water companies are no different, and there are a whole slew of them telling us that tap water is bad for us and that their over-priced bottled water is the best thing since sliced bread.
If we do a little bit of investigating we will see that the rise of bottled water started during the 1970’s when soft drink companies’ growth projections starting levelling off due to market saturation and the fact that more individuals were starting to realise that carbonated drinks are not really that healthy for one and started drinking plain old tap water again.
Management and advertising executives held many meetings and decided that the smart thing to do was to start selling bottled water, but back then people were not that gullible and questioned why they should pay for water. This led to guerrilla marketing tactics being deployed wherein they scared people about drinking tap water, saying that tap water was only good for showers and washing dishes.
Massive ad campaigns painted fantasies about water being sourced from pristine mountain streams and rain forests, about it being pure and tasting like the nectar of the gods. Movie stars were paid astronomical amounts to advertise the product and make it seem cool, and the bottled water fad was born, with individuals prepared to pay around 2000 times more than the price of tap water for it.
Recently, however, various tests have revealed that many of the most well-known brands of bottled water are nothing more than ordinary tap water that has been bottled locally and slapped with a nice label. What is worst is that bottled water is not generally as well regulated as tap water, and this has led to some gross violations of our trust from companies that are selling us a product that is not only not sourced from a natural spring but is also actually often of a lower quality than the water in your kitchen tap.
Want to drink healthy water? Invest in a good water filter for your tap or a water cooler with a good filter that can be plumbed into your municipal water supply and which is far healthier for you.
Purchase water coolers online and mains fed water coolers from Living-Water.