What is South Africa's Water Balance Programme?South Africa, like many other countries, is a chronically water stressed country; what makes it worse is that it is sitting with massive social upliftment challenges as well as huge economic development pressures.

South Africa is currently experiencing a prolonged drought in various areas and massive water shortages, especially in the summer-rainfall regions. This is negatively affecting inhabitants of the areas as well as the local farming communities and predictions are that it will affect food prices heavily in 2016.

The availability of water is going to be one of the most decisive factors to affect the social, environmental and economic well-being of South Africa over the next decade. The fact that water is in such short supply is a huge problem and calls for some innovative thinking and solutions.

Although South Africa invested very heavily in water infrastructure in the past, this infrastructure has not been adequately maintained, and this together with a burgeoning population and urbanisation means that the current infrastructure is fast approaching full utilisation.

South Africa has for too long enjoyed a false sense of water security, and water supply issues can no longer be solved by creating more infrastructure or building more dams. South Africa needs to concentrate on rehabilitation, maintenance and conservation of the natural areas that form critical catchment areas and “water factories.”

Significant changes to both temperature and rainfall in southern Africa are predicted thanks to climate change and this is set to negatively affect water storage, which is why WWF-SA is focussed on harnessing corporate support for investment in the health of South Africa’s water provisioning catchments and the wise management of water resources. There is also a need for engagement with corporates on the broader vital issues regarding water security.

South Africa’s Water Balance Programme therefore gives visionary corporates who recognise the precarious state of the water supply in South Africa options to invest in aiding the country to maintain healthy freshwater ecosystems and sustain economic growth.

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