Dehydration Can Cause AllergiesMany allergy sufferers live with the common allergy symptoms of watery eyes, a runny nose, and sneezing, especially during seasonal changes, otherwise known as allergy season because no matter how many tests and remedies they have tried, nothing seems to help.

While some individuals have just given up hope and control the allergies as best as possible via a slew of medications and others try natural supplements and dietary changes, there is actually a very simple remedy – drink water!

While most of us understand by now that we need to drink water regularly in order to stay hydrated, most individuals still drink insufficient water and therefore walk around at least partially dehydrated most of the time, and this is why we have so many allergies.

Allergies occur as a result of a histamine reaction in the body, which has most individuals reaching for over-the-counter antihistamines which unfortunately do not actually cure the allergy but only control the symptoms and may actually compound the ill effects over time.

According to Dr Batmanghelidj, author of Water: for Health, for Healing, for Life, “Histamine is an important neurotransmitter that primarily regulates thirst mechanism for increased water intake. It also establishes a system of water rationing for the available water in the drought-stricken body.”

[Source: Water Benefits Health]

When your body is dehydrated, histamine production is significantly increased. Histamine’s main function is to ensure that the available water in the body is preserved for the most vital functions, but it is this release of increased amounts of histamine that cause the allergic reactions that we experience.

In addition to the increase of histamine to combat drought management in the human body, dehydration also leads to the suppression of antibody production, which means that your body cannot adequately deal with antigens such as pollen, allowing your eyes to be invaded by the pollen and causing the tear-producing glands in your eyes to work overtime to wash the pollen away from the delicate membranes.

It makes sense therefore that if we drink sufficient water, the whole excess histamine and antigen suppression problem will not occur.

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