Drinking FountainDoes all water taste the same? Those who do not really like the taste of water and therefore do not drink sufficient will say that yes, water is water is water, and it all tastes the same.

In actual fact, this could not be farther from the truth; it is like saying that all beer tastes the same, and everyone knows that is not true.

Does All Water Taste the Same?

Water is one of, if not the most, vital elements on earth as it supports life; human and otherwise. While a human being can go up to a few weeks without food, they can generally go just three days without water.

Drinking water is essential to our overall health, because it is present in every single cell in the human body and without it we would not be able to function. A mere 2% loss of bodily water will cause mild dehydration, leading to headaches, dizziness, and fatigue. If the dehydration is not addressed by drinking water at this stage, it will progress, which could lead to eventual breakdown of all bodily functions, coma and eventual death.

Does all water taste the same? No, it certainly does not, which is why the majority of us walk around at least partially dehydrated most of the time. Many individuals cite the reason for not drinking more water as being the fact that their local water tastes or smells “funky.” This could be due to chlorination or the addition of fluoride to the water, which tends to leave a vague taste and aroma that many individuals are very sensitive to.

While the taste of tap water has led millions to either not drink water at all or insist on drinking only bottled water, much of which is in reality just tap water that has been bottled and given a fancy label, this habit is expensive and not good for the environment as most of the bottles end up in landfills.

If you are looking for a pure, fresh, wonderfully crisp drinking water, then you need look no further than Living-Water’s bottled water coolers:

The Living-Water bottled water cooler range includes the Star, Executive and Table-top models. Each of these models comes with an 18.9l water bottle that is filled with Living-Water Spring Water, sourced from a natural spring on the border of the Welsh Marches in Shropshire Hills, and bottled at Source by Wentlock.

Living-Water Spring Water has a perfect PH balance of 7.5, is free from contamination, and tastes wonderful because it is so pure. Living-Water Spring Water from one of the Living-Water range of bottled water coolers is even better because it is chilled, and I challenge you to say that this water tastes the same as the water out of your tap.

Does all water taste the same? No, the taste of chilled Living-Water Spring Water from one of the water coolers tastes like you are drinking pure nature in your glass, and will definitely slake your thirst and have you going back for more.

Buy water coolers online in London from Living-Water. Buy water dispensers and rent a cooler.