Water Coolers in the UKWhere water coolers were once the domain of the rich and famous, especially in the US, they have become more popular in Europe and the UK of the past few decades and it is estimated that there are now in excess of 750,000 water coolers in use in the UK today.

More and more employers are realising the benefits of installing water coolers for their staff, debunking the original worries that investing in water coolers would lead to individuals slacking off and standing around wasting time socialising around the water coolers instead of working.

This is partially thanks to the many studies on hydration and water coolers in the office which have proven that personnel actually works far better when adequately hydrated because this led to improved concentration levels and increased productivity, less time off from work on sick-leave and an overall happier workforce.

Whether it is a small business that only has twenty staff and which uses a bottled water cooler or a large corporation with thousands of staff that invest in multiple plumbed-in water coolers, businesses are taking note of the need to and benefits of hydration at work, and this is benefitting both the business and the workers; of course the water cooler companies are smiling too.

The water cooler business in the UK is overseen by the British Water Cooler Association (BWCA) who ensures that strict rules and regulations regarding technology and hygiene are adhered to by its members, which is a good reason to ensure that the water company that you deal with is a member of the BWCA.

While the domestic or home water cooler market is still rather small, there is quite a bit of interest as individuals realise that the bottled water that is costing them thousands annually is getting rather expensive and is not really all that healthy as advertised either. Added to that, water companies are listening and coming up with models that still use modern technology and are still top-of-the-range, but are more suited for use in the home.

Another good reason that is driving home-owners to become more interested in home water coolers is that they are far more eco-friendly as there is currently a global scourge as regards all the plastic water bottles sold all over the world, most of which end up in landfills.

Of course having your own 24/7/365 supply of cold, ambient or hot water available directly from your main water line is probably the best reason to invest in either a home water cooler or an office water cooler as soon as possible in the interests of the environment, your wallet and your health.