Why is it So Important to Hydrate?The impact on the human body of not imbibing adequate amounts of water goes far beyond the tell-tale signs of dehydration such as thirst, dry mouth, mild headaches and dark-coloured urine.

There is water in every single cell in the human body, and for good reason, because your body simply cannot function without water and if it has insufficient water it will slowly close down bit by bit unless supplies are replenished.

Why is it So Important to Hydrate?

The human brain is composed of between 85% and 90% water, and various studies have shown that even mild dehydration can have a significant impact on energy levels, mood and mental performance. Researchers at the University of Connecticut found in a study published in The Journal of Nutrition, that even mild dehydration led to headaches, fatigue, mood modifications, and difficulty concentrating.

Athletes are significantly impacted by dehydration, even mild dehydration. Tests done on individuals participating in rigorous physical activity prove that dehydration reduces endurance, increases fatigue and reduces motivation. Hydrating well before and after exercise, as well as during extended periods of exercise is vital to keeping the muscles hydrated and not cramping and the ability to exercise harder for longer.

It is vital to drink water regularly for the efficient functioning of all your body systems including your digestive, nervous and cardiovascular systems. Insufficient water intake will result in your body compensation by holding fluid inside of its cells; this will result in the discomfort and bloating associated with water retention. As strange as it may sound, the way to relieve fluid retention is drinking more water, not less.

Ensuring that you drink enough water throughout the day is also vital for the optimal performance of the gastrointestinal tract.  Insufficient water in your body will result in it pulling water from your stool to maintain hydration; this will result in hard stools that are difficult to pass and ultimately in constipation. The body cannot produce the digestive juices required to break down the food we eat, which will result in various digestive problems such as bloating, nausea, discomfort and gas.

We also need to drink sufficient water to maintain our core body temperature, which is done via sweating.

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