Why Don't I Realise I am Dehydrated?According to various studies done, most individuals walk around at least partially dehydrated most of the time without realising it, and this can be dangerous to one’s health.

The problem is that we tend to only drink water when we feel thirsty, by which time we are actually already around 2% dehydrated. This is even more of a problem with children and the elderly who do not feel the effects of dehydration so keenly and therefore do not realise that they are dehydrated.

Why Don’t I Realise I am Dehydrated?

Many of the symptoms of long-term dehydration remain hidden because they get ascribed to something else.

While there are many individuals who are allergic to various substances, too often allergies are put down to pollen, dust or some other trigger when they could actually be a sign of chronic dehydration. This is because long before you start sneezing, itching and your eyes start watering, your immune system was already being suppressed by chronic dehydration and your toxic load was being raised, leaving your body wide open to foreign substances and allergic reactions.

Digestive problems are another early symptom of chronic dehydration, as the substances that break down food in the digestive tract are all water-based, and when there is too little water in your system a lack of stomach acid means that food cannot be digested and remains in the stomach too long then gets pushed back up, along with acid. Therefore, while ac id reflux is generally ascribed to the production of too much stomach acid, it could actually be because of too little stomach acid caused by dehydration.

Constipation is also symptom of dehydration; when there is insufficient water in the body the intestinal tract cannot liquefy and break down your food so the nutritional elements can be extracted, and the passage of waste through the lower intestine is slowed down, resulting in constipation.

If more people realised that these signs, along with a dry mouth, dry skin, cramping muscles, hunger, sugar and carbohydrate cravings, and feelings of anxiety, impatience, anger, irritation, a short attention span, and even depression are an indication of dehydration, they would get better sooner.

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