Some Symptoms of Chronic DehydrationWater is the primary driving force of energy production inside the body’s cells, so some of the first symptoms of chronic dehydration include fatigue, low energy or tiredness.

While most individuals think that they drink sufficient liquids, it is important that around 80% of those liquids is water. Even though we may be drinking other liquids such as juices, tea, coffee and carbonated drinks, we do need water, and a mere 1% dehydration will cause a 10% loss of energy.

Mild dehydration of 2% to 3% will result in between 20% to 30% energy loss which will create havoc at a cellular level, suppress your immune system, slow down your metabolism, and cause toxic build-up.

Some Symptoms of Chronic Dehydration

While the more common symptoms of dehydration such as a dry mouth, dizziness, dark urine, exhaustion and nausea are fairly well-known, symptoms of chronic dehydration are not that widely known.

Dehydration becomes chronic when it persists, and many common symptoms of poor health are actually caused by chronic dehydration. Chronic dehydration can lower immune function, increase acidity, shut down self-healing mechanisms, as well as decreasing oxygen uptake by red blood cells and suppressing enzymatic reactions vital to cellular function.

Symptoms of mild or moderate long-term (chronic) dehydration include allergies, asthma, digestion problems, insomnia and sleep problems, constipation, heartburn, acid reflux, peptic ulcers, high blood pressure, migraine headaches, weight gain, diabetes, anxiety, depression, unexplained pains, lower back pain, morning sickness, water retention, and more.

Chronic dehydration is a primary factor in most health problems, including those mentioned above because it is absolutely basic to the most important function at cell level; energy production. Chances are that if you are experiencing persistent health problems, you are actually dehydrated and have been so for a very long time.

The next time you feel fatigued or have a headache, reach for a nice tall glass of water before you reach for pain tablets; you might just be very surprised.

Living-Water sells water dispensers to companies in London. Buy water cooler accessories and natural spring water for your home or business.