Benefits of Drinking Water for the Immune SystemDrinking water regularly is vital to keep your body’s fluids in balance and remain hydrated, but another benefit of drinking water is that it is highly beneficial to the human immune system.

Adequate hydration has an immense impact on your immune system and it also assists all of your body’s systems to function at optimum levels. Drinking water regularly serves to ensure that all the cells in your body get all the oxygen they need to function correctly, and also flushes toxins.

Benefits of Drinking Water for the Immune System

Your immune system functions best when your muscles and organs are functioning best, and drinking plenty of water ensures that the blood can carry sufficient oxygen to every cell in your body. Drinking water also ensures that your cells to take in nutrients and expel waste products via the kidneys so that toxins cannot build up and weaken your immune system.

Water is vital to the production of lymph, which the body uses to circulate white blood cells and nutrients to all parts of the body. Lymph can be found in all of the body’s tissues, and fulfils the following functions:

  • Lymph transports water and nutrients to the blood, and via the blood to the cells of the body;
  • Lymph carries white blood cells and other immune system cells from the bone marrow and the thymus throughout the body.
  • Lymph removes toxins from the blood.

Without water the body cannot form lymph, and without lymph your white blood cells and immune cells could not travel through the body to where they are needed to fight infection and disease.

Drinking plenty of water on a regular basis also keeps your mucous membranes moist, helps with the digestion of your food, and prevents and can be used to treat many common chronic ailments such as arthritis and joint problems, depression, insomnia, leukaemia and lymphoma.

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