Easy Water Conservation in your Yard and GardenIf you are worried about the fact that we are all facing a water shortage in the next few decades, then you should do your bit to conserve as much water as you can now; wherever and however you can.

Water conservation is really easy, all it takes is taking note of how you use water and consistently strive to make better use of reusing, recycling and other simple water conservation methods in your home and in your garden.

Easy Water Conservation in your Yard and Garden

Try some of these simple water conservation methods in your garden and yard today and see how simple it is to conserve water:

Plant Sustainably: Plant only drought-resistant lawn, shrubs and plants that thrive with minimal watering. Replace herbaceous perennial borders with indigenous plants. Plan your garden with slopes containing plants that will retain water and help reduce runoff, and group plants according to their watering needs.

Use Mulch: Add around 3 centimetres of organic mulch around trees and plants to discourage weed growth, slow evaporation, minimise water runoff, and increase the ability of the soil to retain moisture.

Position Sprinklers Correctly: Watering your garden with a sprinkler system saves time, but can also waste a lot of water if the sprinkler-heads water the paving instead of the lawn or garden. Do not water on windy days as the water will land up everywhere except where it is needed.

Fix Leaks: Make sure that you fix any leaks in both indoor and outdoor pipes, hoses, taps and couplings; these can waste hundreds of litres of water daily.

Other tips for conserving water include only watering when needed, deep-soaking your lawn so that the water can soak down to the roots where it will do the most good. Water in the early morning to reduce water loss to evaporation, and avoid over-watering your plants and shrubs, as this can actually diminish plant health and cause yellowing of the leaves.

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