water-ph-balanceThe human body consists of around 70% water, so it is really important that the pH balance, which is the correct proportion of acid and alkaline, is maintained.

In the same way as your swimming pool needs to be regularly checked and the pH balance adjusted, so must it in the human body. This balance is basically the balance between negative and positive ions, and a perfect balance needs to be maintained in order for the body to work optimally.

Why is the pH Balance in my Body Important?

The human body is basically electric in nature, which means that every single action that takes place creates both acid and alkaline reactions. The body generally maintains the pH at the ideal level of 7.4 but sometimes the levels go out of balance.

Although there are some individuals whose bodies are too alkaline, acidity is by far the more common condition.

What Causes my Body to Become Acidic?

When we eat too many acid-producing animal products like meat, eggs and dairy and processed foods like white flour and sugar, and drink acid-producing beverages like coffee and soft drinks, and too few low alkaline-producing foods like fresh vegetables, our bodies become acidic.

Drinking insufficient water will also cause your body to become acidic because when we do not drink sufficient water and become dehydrated, the molecular water structure in our bodies is altered, which can lead to an acid/alkaline imbalance.

When the Body is too Acidic

Our bodies can become too acidic from eating too many acid-forming foods and not drinking sufficient water. When this happens, the body will try to rectify the imbalance by drawing minerals, including sodium, calcium, potassium and magnesium, from wherever it can to redress the imbalance. Unfortunately this is normally from vital organs and bones, leading to a condition called acidosis.

According to a seven-year study conducted at the University of California on 9,000 women, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, those who have chronic acidosis are at greater risk for bone loss than those who have normal pH levels. Scientists who conducted the study believe that the majority of hip fractures that are so prevalent in middle-aged women are directly connected to high acidity caused by a diet low in vegetables and rich in animal foods.

Acidosis in a mild form can result in:

  • Bladder and Kidney Conditions, including kidney stones;
  • Cardiovascular Damage – including the constriction of blood vessels and the reduction of oxygen;
  • Chronic Fatigue;
  • Digestive Problems  – indigestion, nausea, bloating, and gastric reflux
  • Free Radical Damage – possibly causing cancerous growths;
  • Hormonal Problems;
  • Immune Deficiency – anaerobic pathogensallow the bad bacteria to thrive;
  • Joint Pain, aching muscles and lactic acid build-up;
  • Low Energy;
  • Osteoporosis – weak, brittle bones, hip fractures and bone spurs;
  • Premature Aging;
  • Problems Urinating;
  • Weight Gain – this could also lead to obesity and diabetes; and
  • Yeast or Fungal Growth problems.

Drinking water regularly will help to maintain the pH balance in your body because it will ensure that the digestive system works optimally and that the kidneys can filter and rid the body of the acidity via urination, respiration and perspiration.

While drinking water is important to ensure that your body remains healthy, it is important that the water that you drink is pure and not full of toxins such as chemicals, pharmaceuticals, fluoride and chlorine.

The best way to ensure that you are drinking only pure water is to invest in a water cooler such as one of the Bottled Water Coolers from Living-Water, which contain Living-Water spring water from the Wenlock range, or their Continuum Mains Water Coolers or the Pure Mains Water Cooler fitted with the environmentally friendly Living-Water Activated Carbon Triple Action Filter System, which dispenses hot or cold water 24/7 and is stylish, sleek and environmentally friendly.