Office staffThe UK is about to enter summer; those scorching hot days and balmy summer evenings that are great for outdoor entertaining, relaxing, and regenerating after a long cold, wet winter, yet can be debilitating and fatiguing at the same time.

Most individuals do not realise how important it is to drink more water in the summer.

Even if you are working indoors behind a desk all day and not sweating it out in the hot sun, you can become dehydrated very quickly.

Dehydration can be very debilitating and dangerous for your health because it will not only make you thirsty but will also cause:

  • Decreased sweating;
  • Increased heart rate, respiration and core body temperature;
  • Muscle cramps/spasms;
  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • Constipation and Decreased urination;
  • Headaches;
  • Respiratory depression;
  • Neuromuscular seizures;
  • Rapid pulse;
  • Confusion and impaired cognitive functioning; and more

Get an Office Water Cooler for those Hot Summer Days

The reason that most individuals do not drink sufficient water is that even in the UK, the tap water does not taste that great and can also have a strange chemical smell. This means that most people will rather drink carbonated drinks, tea, coffee or juices, which do not have the same effect.

Tap water is also generally rather tepid, and bottles of water kept in the fridge for chilling tend not to last very long, especially in a large office, so what is the solution? An office water cooler is the perfect solution to hot summer days stuck in the office as they are able to dispense chilled, pure, great tasting water virtually non-stop.

Office water coolers come in bottled and mains or plumbed-in versions and are stylish, sturdy, adaptable, hygienic, accessible, and dependable. Not only can you get the style and type of water cooler that you want from Living-Water, London’s Premier Water Company, but you can also change the side-panels to suit your décor and corporate colours on many models, and some models even offer ambient and hot water in addition to chilled water, so you can benefit from an office water in both the winter and summer.

Prepare for the coming summer by contacting Living-Water for a free water needs-assessment today. Get your bottled water cooler today!