Drink Water, That's AllDo you want to look younger, think clearer, feel healthier, have shining hair and a svelte body? Drink water, that’s all.

Whether bottled or served straight from the tap, water is the perfect thirst-quenching beverage and one that will do your body more good than any other liquid you could think of.

Drink Water, That’s All

Many individuals do not like to drink water, especially tap water because they say that it is boring, it tastes funny, or they just feel that it is a waste of time, yet they will drink bottled water by the litre.

While the better brands of bottled water may be fine, there are many brands out there that are no more than the same tap water you refuse to drink, just with a pretty label and a prettier price, at least for the water companies.

Not only do all these enhanced, vitamin-enriched, sparkling, and various other types of bottled waters cost the earth, the bottles are also a nightmare for the environment as most of them end up in landfills for the next 500 years.

Here are a few ways of making ordinary tap water more interesting and getting yourself and your family drinking more. These refreshing ice-cubes can also be added to club soda or ginger ale:

  • Lime & Grenadine Ice Cubes: Combine 1 teaspoon Rose’s lime syrup and 1 tablespoon grenadine with 1 cup water. Fill ice cube tray and freeze. Pop one into your mouth for a quick refresher or add to a glass of ordinary water for a chilled drink
  • Ginger Ice Cubes: Combine 1 teaspoon of ginger peeled and sliced with 1 glass of water in a pot; bring to a simmer, remove from heat and let steep for 20 minutes. Strain the liquid and fill an ice cube tray and freeze.
  • Elderflower Ice Cubes: Combine 2 tablespoons of elderflower syrup with 1 cup of water; fill the ice cube tray and freeze.

Rent water coolers and purchase water dispensers online in London. Get natural spring water and water cooler accessories from Living-Water Ltd.