Which Factors Affect Plant Water Use?I think it is safe to say that in this day and age we are all aware of the fact that every one of us needs to save as much water as we can wherever and however we can.

One of the biggest places that we can save water is in our gardens; by gardening a bit differently and watering smart we can save hundreds if not thousands of litres of water ever single month.

Which Factors Affect Plant Water Use?

There are many factors that affect plant water use, such as applying fertiliser which stimulates growth and increases plant water use in fruit and vegetable patches, trees, ornamental shrubs, and lawns.

Plants that are flowering and trees that are bearing fruit need more water, as do landscapes that have just been pruned, as pruning promotes new growth, which automatically results in higher water usage.

Here are some easy tips to minimise your plant water-usage:

  • Always ensure that your lawnmower blades are sharp; cleaner cuts cause less water loss;
  • Avoid excessive watering;
  • Choose smaller plants which use less water rather than larger ones;
  • Cut back on your fertiliser usage, using only what you need to maintain healthy plants;
  • Don’t waste water on unhealthy or undesirable plants; remove those you do not want and replace those you want in your garden but that may be ailing.
  • Mulch around your plants and in bare soil areas to retain moisture;
  • Opt for native and low water usage plants when planning your garden;
  • Practice high, frequent mowing of lawns to enable grass to develop deeper root systems;
  • Weed your garden often to ensure that weeds do not steal water that could be available for more desirable plants; and
  • When using an irrigation system, use a zoning system to water plants, grouped by their water use and soil type where possible;

Hand water with the hose or use a watering can to water where you can, and make sure that if you use a sprinkler you do not do so in the midday heat or when the wind is blowing; make sure that the sprinkler is watering the plants/lawn and not the pathways or street.

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