What are the Benefits of Drinking Pure Water at Work?Drinking pure water does not just quench your thirst; it also keeps your body hydrated and in perfect working order. The human body is around 70% water, and it is vital that we drink water throughout the day in order to maintain this balance.

We lose water throughout the day via urination, sweating and other means, and if we do not replace it we will become dehydrated and our health will suffer for it.

What are the Benefits of Drinking Pure Water at Work?

Without sufficient water in our bodies our hearts will struggle to pump blood throughout the body because the blood viscosity is too thick, our brains will not be able to function optimally and we will lose concentration, our muscles will begin cramping, and many other things will happen to affect our health.

Some benefits of drinking pure water are:

  • Drinking Pure Water Keeps You Young: Drinking lots of water keeps your skin moisturised, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles;
  • Drinking Pure Water Helps for Weight-Loss: Drinking water suppresses the appetite, so you won’t eat as much; it also prevents fluid retention;
  • Drinking Water Builds Muscle: Drinking pure water helps build muscle and helps your muscles work harder and longer before they feel tired;
  • Drinking Water Eliminates Toxins: Drinking pure water helps your body to get rid of toxins via sweating, urination and via the colon; and
  • Drinking Water Keeps Joints Working: Drinking pure water keeps your joints cushioned from knocks and moisturised so that they can move easily.

One way to ensure that you have access to the best pure water to drink at work is to invest in a Pure mains water cooler from Living-Water. The Pure water cooler offers the best quality filtered hot or cold water 24/7. It is fitted with Living-Water’s environmentally friendly Activated Carbon Triple Action Filter System with added lime scale control, which is why you can be assured that you are drinking only the purest water.