Why Drinking Water at Work is ImportantAs human beings, we need a constant supply of water to keep all of our muscles, major organs, blood supplies and skin in perfect order.

When we do not drink sufficient water we become dehydrated, which in simple terms means that the body is losing more water than it is taking in and can therefore not function at its peak.

Why Drinking Water at Work is Important

The human brain is 85% water, and if it is not kept fully hydrated at all times it cannot function optimally; even a 2% water deficiency can cause the brain to function slower and lose focus; it will also lead to poor short-term memory, concentration problems and a lack of awareness.

Dehydration means that the blood cells in the body are not getting sufficient water, and when this happens, fatigue, sluggishness, confusion and irritability soon follow.

Drinking water at work is important because:

  • It is critical for productivity and mental alertness; even a slight loss of water can lead to a loss of visual perception, reasoning ability, and mathematical skills, which is not good for business;
  • The average person spends around 60% of his or her waking hours at work; for many, this means sitting and concentrating on a computer screen and/or performing complex tasks that require focused attention and concentration for hours on end;
  • Individuals often drink numerous cups of tea or coffee during the day, but while they might seem to quench one’s thirst, caffeine is a diuretic, which means that it tends to increase the flow of urine, which causes the body to get rid of excess water, causing dehydration;
  • Lost water needs to be replaced regularly or it can lead to migraines, fatigue, and general poor health;

It is important that everyone drink sufficient water while at work, but many individuals do not because tap water is not that tasty and often not that cool. Make sure that your employees have access to sufficient drinking water at work by investing in an office water cooler that can supply a virtually endless supply of pure, filtered, chilled water.

Even better, get a mains water cooler that supplies chilled, ambient or hot water at the touch of a button. Living-Water, London’s premier water supply company, can supply you with a variety of top-of-the-range point-of-use POU water coolers that can be customised to your company colours – contact them today for a free water-needs assessment.