Water Saving Tips for Your GardenThe garden is one area where we can save a huge amount of water without giving up anything of the beauty of the garden. All it takes is to be smart and water-wise and replace old habits with new, efficient methods of gardening and watering.

Water Saving Tips for Your Garden

Conserving and managing water efficiently in your garden will not only save water but will also put more money in your pocket:

Water your Garden in the Morning and Pots in the Afternoon

The timing of watering is very important; pots watered after noon will significantly outperform plants that are watered in the morning. Watering container plants in the afternoon will ensure healthier, stronger-growing plants.

According to research done at the University of Illinois Extension, the optimal watering time for the garden is in the early morning before the temperatures begin to rise and the wind comes up. Watering in the morning ensures that there is less evaporation and ensures that the plants have a good supply of water to face the heat of the day.

Avoid Evening Watering

Do not water your garden in the evening as the evening temperatures are generally too low to dry the moisture on the leaves, which can lead to the growth of fungal pathogens.

Choose Your Plant Containers Carefully

Different materials react differently; some heat up very quickly while others tend to lose moisture very quickly. Metal heats up very quickly so may not be the best choice, while unglazed terracotta pots will lose moisture quicker because of their porous surface, so the soil in them will dry out faster than in glazed pots.

Mulch, Mulch, Mulch!

Up to 70% of the moisture in the ground can evaporate on a hot day. Mulch can provide a protection against evaporation as it is great for holding moisture; it helps suppress weeds that steal water, prevents surface evaporation and adds vital nutrients to the soil.  Do not use mulch that is too fine as it will clump; coarser mulch will allow water through. Apply mulch around 8 to 10 cm in depth, to moist soil and water in well.

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