Greece's Other Big Problem: Water PrivatisationGreece has been and is still very much in the news due to the mismanagement of finances and the possible ramifications of what is commonly referred to as “Grexi” – the possible of a Greek withdrawal from the Eurozone monetary union.

While the citizens recently voted not to capitulate to the austerity measures demanded of it by the EU, the OECD and the IMF to remain in the Eurozone, its government seems to have done an about-turn and the final vote is imminent.

Greece’s Other Big Problem: Water Privatisation

What is just as important and troublesome, but is not being spoken about though, is the fact that although Greece has abundant water resources in the region of around 58 billion cubic meters per year, mismanagement has left the country’s 230 municipal utilities in dire need of help.

The Greek government’s plans to privatise two of Athens’ largest water companies as part of a broader Hellenic Privatisation Program did not go according to plan. France’s Suez Environnement and Israel’s Mekorot showed great interest in the companies, but when Alexis Tsipras was sworn in as Prime Minister of Greece with his stance of “No Privatisation and No Austerity Measures,” discussions broke down.

Greece’s Council of State, its highest constitutional court, subsequently blocked the privatisation of the country’s biggest water utility (Athens Water), stating that the sale could pose a public health risk.

Athens and Thessaloniki, where the semi-private utilities EYDAP and EYATH control water supply and sanitation is not that bad off, but the remaining municipalities are all suffering and every aspect of Greece’s water is being impacted heavily on. Privatisation seems not to be on the cards at the moment, but Greece is struggling to keep up with the requirements of the European Framework Directive which covers cleaner rivers and lakes, groundwater and coastal beaches, as well as getting the prices right and getting the citizens involved.

All we can say is “good luck, Greece!”

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