By now most of us know that it is vital to our health to drink water consistently throughout the day in order to maintain the balance of bodily fluids that is integral to our good health.
Whether you drink tap water or are one of those who does not like tap water due to the chemicals used to bring it to your home or business and prefer drinking your water from a water cooler that puts filtered, chilled, great-tasting drinking water within easy reach, we all need water to live.
Is Drinking Coloured Water Really Healthy?
With more and more individuals becoming more health-conscious over the past decade or two, it is no wonder that people are making drinking water a part of their everyday good health practices. This has, however, also brought with it many charlatans that peddle useless water products in the name of commerce, and which have absolutely no health benefits whatsoever, or are just really bad for the planet.
One of the more recent trends is drinking coloured or solar water. This is essentially water that has been decanted into coloured glass bottles and left out in the sun for a number of hours, and is said to contain certain healing properties:
Blue Water is said to aid for:
- Dandruff: Massage blue water into your scalp for dandruff, flaking and baldness;
- Excessive Perspiration: Massage in wherever needed;
- Oral Hygiene: Brushing your teeth with blue water after your regular brushing works well because blue water acts as an astringent and antibacterial agent. Blue water also acts as a mouthwash, firming up gums, killing germs and making for more pleasant breath. Use blue water for sore gums and inflammation by holding it in your mouth for a few minutes, rinsing and spitting it out.
- Feet: Bathe your feet in blue water when they are tired;
- Blue water is also good for sore eyes, diarrhoea, dysentery, insomnia, inflammation of the internal organs, nervousness, colic in babies, headaches, sinus and colds, indigestion and other gastric troubles.
Amber Water helps to:
- Make hair lighter coloured
- Perk up sluggish skin
- Relieves dandruff and baldness
- Relieve colds and sinus troubles
Red Water helps to:
- Keep the skin hydrated and supple;
- Heal a sluggish stomach due to its iron content;
Orange Water helps as:
- A strong laxative
Green Water can be useful for:
- Treating nervous conditions
It is best to use filtered water from your tap or even better from your water cooler for making coloured water, and although plastic bottles can be used, glass is always better and far healthier than plastic.
Get bottled water coolers and main fed water coolers for your house and office.