Why You Need to Get Your Man a Water CoolerAlthough the tap water in London is up to standard according to the standards set by national and international drinking water authorities, it may be the reason why you cannot have a baby.

The reason for this is that traces of a hormone found in the Pill have been found in the rivers around London, causing around 50% of the male fish in the rivers to change sex. The study conducted on ten rivers sound that virtually 50% of male fish had eggs in their testes, 25% had damaged sperm and 10% were sterile.

The worry is that this hormone is also getting into the drinking water and could have negative affect on men’s sperm counts.

Why You Need to Get Your Man a Water Cooler

Research has shown that drinking tap water containing high levels of oestrogen may be affecting your man’s sperm counts. Although the water is treated before being sent through the pipes to you homes and businesses, apparently the treatment cannot remove all vestiges of this potent hormone.

According to Professor Charles Tyler, one of the leaders of the research, some of the concentrations of the hormone in the water where fish are being affected are way below the detection limit in place for testing London’s drinking water so there is no way to know exactly if and how much oestrogen is present in the drinking water.

A study by the Medical Research Council found that Scottish men born after 1970 are 25% less fertile than those born twenty years earlier. There is no absolute proof that this is because of oestrogen, but it could be; it could also be due to other chemicals, pesticides and a whole host of other toxic substances that find their way into our drinking water.

Although the Pill may be a blessing for females, you certainly do not want the males in your family drinking oestrogen. One easy way to ensure that this does not happen is to invest in a water cooler with a really good filter that will filter out any and all toxic substances.

Living-Water offers a range of bottled water coolers filled with their own Living-Water Spring Water, sourced and bottled in the Wenworth Range as well as a range of mains water coolers that can all be fitted with the Living-Water Triple Activated Carbon Filter to ensure that your drinking water is healthy and pure.