Why is Drinking Water Vital for My Health?If you have been wondering why you are always being nagged to drink more water, it is because drinking water is vital to your good health.

In order to maintain the around 70% balance of water in your body, you need to drink water regularly to replace that which was lost due to normal bodily functions.

Why is Drinking Water Vital for My Health?

If you think that drinking water is not important or that you need not drink water because you drink plenty of other liquids during the day, you are very wrong.

While drinking other liquids does add to your daily fluid intake, as does eating water-rich fruits like oranges, peaches, grapes and melons and vegetables like watercress, celery and lettuce, this only makes up around 20% of your daily fluid needs; the balance needs to come from drinking water.

It is vital to drink water regularly because:

Your body needs water to keep its largest organ, the skin, supple, glowing, elastic and moisturised.  Water also helps prevent skin disorders such as acne, dry skin, eczema and psoriasis.

Your brain is around 85% water, and this balance needs to be maintained so that the brain can function optimally. Drinking water helps the brain to think logically, send messages to the other parts of the body, solve mathematical problems, and perform many other functions. Dehydration causes light-headedness, headaches and dizziness; it also slows down your ability to think.

The body needs water in order to flush out toxins, including those cancer-causing agents that are present in every single person’s body, mostly via urination.

Drinking water first thing in the morning helps kick-start your metabolism by increasing your metabolic rate; it also keeps you regular, helps build muscle and keeps them working longer, and improves your digestive system. Dehydration causes a lack of energy and fatigue.

Drinking water regularly also keeps your heart healthy because it keeps your blood think enough to be able to flow easily through your veins, delivering vital nutrients and oxygen. When you are dehydrated, your blood thickens, making your heart work harder to pump it through your veins, leading to heart problems.

Living-Water sells water coolers in London and rent water coolers. Get bottled water coolers and mains water dispensers for your house or office.