How can I make Sure I am Meeting My Daily Fluid Needs?Drinking water on a regular basis is vital to your good health as you need to maintain the around 70% balance of water in your body at all times.

When one does not drink sufficient water your body will become dehydrated which will lead to various health problems including headaches, fatigue, kidney problems, bladder problems, and many more.

Your body needs WATER to function optimally, and no, alcohol, soft-drinks and energy drinks do not perform the same function in your body; in actual fact some of them will actually dehydrate you even more.

It is therefore essential that you ensure that you drink sufficient water every day over and above the other liquids that you may drink such as team coffee or carbonated drinks.

How can I make Sure I am Meeting My Daily Fluid Needs?

While drinking other fluids and eating water-rich foods such as celery, watermelon, oranges, strawberries, lettuce, soups, fruit juices, and tomatoes do add to your total fluid intake for the day, at least 80% of your daily fluid intake needs to be plain water.

Water helps your body to:

  • Maintain core body temperature;
  • Keep your skin moisturised, plump and young-looking
  • Lubricate and cushion your joints;
  • Protect your spinal cord and other tissues;
  • Help your brain send it electrical messages to every part of the body telling it what to do; and
  • Rid itself of waste through urination, perspiration, and bowel movements.

In order to meet your daily fluid needs you should ensure that you eat sufficient fruit and vegetables that are high in water content, drink various liquids throughout the day, but most of all ensure that you drink sufficient water to replace that which you are constantly losing via perspiration, urination and even just breathing. If you are ill or nauseous or have diarrhoea; are physically active or work in a hot climate, you need to drink more water than normal.

Quick tips for ensuring that you drink sufficient water are to start your day off with a large glass of water before doing anything else, to counteract the dehydration from not drinking anything for all the hours you have been sleeping; drinking a large glass of water before each meal and last thing at night, and investing in a water cooler that will supply you with easily accessible, chilled, pure drinking water 24/7.

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