Why is Filtered Water Better than Tap Water?While many individuals do not mind drinking tap water and are fortunate enough to live in an area or country where the tap water is good, others are not so lucky. Some people do not like drinking tap water because they day it smells or tastes funny, and others live in countries where there is a shortage of pure, healthy, potable drinking water.

Wherever you live, you need to drink water regularly in order to maintain your body’s water level and your good health, so do not let the fact that you do not like tap water stop you from drinking water on a regular basis or your health will suffer for it.

Why is Filtered Water Better than Tap Water?

Even if you live in a first-world country like the UK, where the tap water has passed all of the stringent rules and regulations set out by the World Health Organisation (WHO) , the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD), and the localised Drinking Water Inspectorate (DWI), there are still low levels of chlorine is often used to disinfect drinking water, fluoride which is added for dental health and various other pharmaceutical and recreational drugs in the tap water.

While these levels are well below all levels set by the various authorities, many individuals do not feel that drinking London’s tap water is good for them and have taken to either spending thousands of pounds annually on bottled water or invested in a water cooler or some sort of water filtration device.

Filtered water is far more pure than tap water because the filters get rid of the contaminants before the water reaches your glass. There are various types of filtration methods and devices, ranging from whole-house filtration systems, of which the reverse osmosis system is the most effective, to tap filters, jug filters and water coolers fitted with a water filter.

To be absolutely sure that the water you are drinking is the purest it can be, investing in a water cooler with an excellent filter such as the Living-Water Triple Activated Carbon Filter is recommended.

Living-Water offers a range of bottled water coolers that come filled with their own Living-Water Spring Water sourced and bottled in the Wenworth region. They also have a range of mains water coolers that can dispense chilled, ambient or hot water and can be fitted with their Triple Activated Carbon Filter, and the water from these water coolers tastes almost as good as their spring water.