Take action to save water!It’s hard to be motivated by something that does not affect you directly. But when you see how the issue causes other people to suffer – and how you may be contributing to their plight – it’s hard not to be involved.

Here are some ways you can be more aware of the water crisis:

1. Instead of browsing random websites or reading your friends’ status updates, spend some time to learn about the facts:

2. Unsafe drinking water and lack of sanitation kills more people every year than all forms of violence, including war.

3. More people have access to a cell phone than to a toilet.

4. Every day, women and children in Africa walk a combined total of 109 million hours to get water.

5. It takes 6,3 gallons of water to produce just one hamburger.

6. The average European uses 159 gallons of water every day – more than 15 times the average person in the developing world.

7. Instead of checking Google Analytics, start monitoring a more important statistic: your individual water footprint. The amount of water you consume involves more than what you drink or brush your teeth with. Everything you consume – from the food you eat to the gadgets you use – requires water to produce, however indirectly.

There are many ways you can begin reducing your water footprint. The key is to be aware of different opportunities, take action, and make a habit out of them.

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