Why Water Is Important
Drinking the recommended 8 glasses of water a day is necessary to:
Avoid the hospital.
- Slash the probability of breast cancer by 79%
- Reduce colon cancer probability by 45%
- Reduce bladder cancer probability by 50%
- Cut heart problems
- Certain waters aid against osteoporosis
Enhanced Quality of Life
- Cuts colds and prevents flu’s —- with dehydration the mucous in the membrane of the nose dries out significantly increasing the probability of catching colds/flu
- Improved joint mobility
- Cure and prevention for back pain
- Relieves constipation
- Reduced ageing
- Helps cure skin problems such as acne
- Slashes incidence of headaches and migraines
Stay young & in shape
- Slimming — there are no calories in water
- Reduction in body fats — 150 calories are burnt off when drinking the recommended 8 glasses of water a day
- Improved and prevention of bad breath
- Prevents and cures hangovers
- Reduced hunger pangs where the thirst mechanism is so weak it is mistaken as hunger
- Vital during pregnancy when the foetus requires ample fluids
Achieve optimum mental health
- Increased energy, get up and go
- Reduced daytime fatigue (no more afternoon naps)
- Reduced mood swings — spouse who is no longer grumpy
- Reduced road rage and more relaxed approach
- Improved memory and concentration
- Better and quicker arithmetic
How can we ensure that we always have a fresh, great-tasting water supply wherever we go? Investing in an office water cooler is certainly one way to go. Many high caliber companies invest in water coolers realising the benefits that fresh water has for its employees. A useful motivation for your employer can be found by reading the testimonies of these London Water Cooler Clients.