What influences our water needs?The total water intake our bodies need depends on physical activity levels, the climate we live in, our health status and various other factors such as pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Exercise: During long hours of exercise, our bodies lose water and it should be replaced. Different sports have specific water intake recommendations. It is very important to adhere to a recommended schedule of water intake in order to ensure an adequate intake before, during and after a strenuous bout of exercise.

Environment: Hot or humid weather increases sweat losses and it is vital to increase our water intake. Heated indoor air can also increase sweat and skin losses during the winter. Altitudes greater than 2500m may trigger increased urination and more rapid breathing, which may also lead to increased water loss.

Illness: Fever can increase water losses by as much as 200ml/day for an increase of each ºC in body temperature. Vomiting and diarrhea can also cause high losses of water. Other conditions such as bladder infections, urinary tract stones, gout and constipation may also require increased water intake.

Pregnancy or breastfeeding: Although water requirements during pregnancy are usually not markedly increased, an additional 1 litre of water may be necessary during lactation. It is recommended that pregnant women should drink about 10 glasses of 250ml of water daily and women who breastfeed at least 12 glasses of 250ml of water a day.

Over-hydration or water toxicity: Although uncommon, it is possible to drink too much water. When the kidneys are unable to excrete the excess water, the mineral content of the blood is diluted, resulting in a condition called hyponatremia (low sodium levels in the blood).

Signs and symptoms of dehydration: General signs and symptoms of dehydration include: mild to excessive thirst, fatigue, headache, dry mouth, little or no urination, muscle weakness, dizziness or lightheadedness. Mild dehydration (treated correctly) rarely results in complications, but more severe cases can be life-threatening, especially in the very young and the elderly.

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