What is water?A friend recently told me that I need a system which will remove the increasingly dangerous nitrate from my tap water.

In our view in the developed world this is complete overkill and unnecessary – yes, increased agriculture has led to massive growth in use of fertilizers which use nitrate which eventually seeps into the groundwater – However, the amount of nitrate in tap water and coming out of our water at work through the mains water cooler is very well monitored by a number of government organisations and bodies and like so many scaremongering, the amount of water to be consumed per day would be in the 1000’s of gallons to be at any level which would pose a risk to health.

Nitrates are nitrites and nitrogen oxygen chemicals which combine with both organic and inorganic compounds – so once in the body, nitrates are converted into nitrites. To be fair, infants consuming levels above the norm, for example from a farm well, are most at risk of health concerns, but certainly not from drinking cooled chilled tap water from a Living-water cooler.

If you are still worried, there are a number of ways to remove nitrates from your water:

  • Ion exchange
  • Reverse osmosis
  • Electrodialysis

But for all our Living-Water cooler customers in the UK with both bottleless coolers fed either by tap water or with bottled coolers using our own spring water, we do not believe you have anything to worry about for many hundreds of years to come.

Check out some of our other London water cooler blogs discussing what is water and the different types of filtration and softeners available if you want to chemically alter your own water supply.

Buy water coolers online and hire water dispensers from Living-Water Ltd in London.